This week's question is "Can I use mobile devices to be more productive?"  Type a blog post that describes...
    • your prior experiences with mobile productivity tools,
    • how you think you may increase your productivity as a result of this module,
    • your thoughts on using these productivity tools in educational settings.
When I think of mobile productivity tools, I think of apps like Primo Do, a list-making app for the iPad that I mentioned in my discussion for a previous week. The only reason I link that app to productivity is that's how it's categorized in the app store: Productivity. And it did help me be more productive, especially when I was feeling overwhelmed with everything I had to do last school year. But my thoughts of mobile productivity tools don't go much further than that. When I initially looked through everything for Module #3, I was surprised to see apps like Dropbbox or GoogleDrive listed under Productivity...I guess because I never really considered them as helping me be more productive. It was more like being more organized, or more focused when searching for apps. But when it all comes around, I suppose organization and focus can be ways to help a person be more productive.

Perhaps that's the first way I may increase my productivity as a result of this module - changing the way I view mobile productivity apps, branching out and broadening my horizons. Other ways remain to be seen. I will come back to this later on in the week.

Using these tools in educational settings has huge implications. We all have so much to do, and so little time in which to do it. We are bombarded with meetings, paperwork, assessments to do, lesson plans to turn in, and every other item that corresponds to teaching - anything that can help us be more productive can only be positive, provided it's used correctly and does not overwhelm the individual trying to me more productive. I say that because after looking through this week's module, I truthfully did feel overwhelmed and not as comfortable with the content as I had the past two weeks. There seemed to be so many avenues from which to choose, so many directions that I could turn...and it was a bit the point where I took a couple days off just to process what I had learned.

But I digress. I am going to post this...and continue on my quest to be more productive. I will come back to let you know what I've learned. Hasta luego.

Dr. McCullough
6/27/2013 12:58:07 am

I hope you see the possibility of becoming more productive. Sorry that this week was more overwhelming...

~ Dr. M.


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    I am a Graduate Student at Clarion University and a Kindergarten teacher at Keystone Elementary School in Knox, PA. This blog tracks what I'm learning in my 5-week summer graduate class ED 610: Mobile Education Technology.


    July 2013
    June 2013



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