Last night, while peeling potatoes for supper, I had an epiphany pertaining to productivity. I propose that perhaps productivity pertains to that which simplifies things...for me. See, for me, I am not into keeping up with the latest this-or-that. I only just got facebook and email on my phone...before this, I hardly touched those modes of communication unless I was told to check it. But I have plenty of other things that demand my time and attention, and whatever makes my life easier can then be defined as productivity for me. Like I said in my previous post, I think that productivity has a lot more to do with organization than I had ever thought before.
So when it comes to increasing my productivity, here is what I've come up with:

1. Continue to work with Evernote to make it work for me. Get it on all devices and figure out a way so there's enough space on my phone. (Stinkin' phone comes pre-loaded with stuff I don't even care about - Madden11? Really? And I can't delete them. Grr.)
2. Install Grocery Smart app on my phone to help me make my lists.
3. Continue using Google Calendar which I have synced with my school calendar and husband's calendar and am able to access on all devices.
4. Actually use the exercise apps I've put on my iPad - I'm considering these productivity apps because they make my life easier. I don't feel like wasting time waiting 5+ minutes for the DVD to load and go through all the stuff it has to go through and I can't skip over no matter how hard I try so that once it finally gets to the exercise part I've lost my motivation....can you sense my frustration??? :) So exercise apps can do the trick.
5. Continue using DailyBible app on my phone - gives verse of the day and readings for the day...keeps me focused in the midst of my chaos and I can read it anytime, anywhere.
6. Look into the apps discussed in this week's module, specifically the ones that collect education apps for you in a specific spot. I put ---APPitic, Google Play, IEAR, Wired Educator, and Learning In Hand on my iPad, but the ones that I'm leaning toward are really just APPitic and . For me, too much attempts at productivity actually ends up being counter-productive. So a few simple, key places to go to will work wonders.
7. There is no need to reinvent the wheel. Want a dinner menu? There's an app for that. Want materials for kindergarten? Teachers Pay Teachers is a great site. Want already made, fabulous presentations that teach exactly what you're trying to teach? Nearpod, Educreations, and the like have plenty. So don't reinvent the a little looking around and see what there is out there, because if I can't find it, it probably just means I haven't looked far enough. That goes for both my personal and professional lives.

Dr. M
7/1/2013 01:10:48 pm

Great post! I think you are correct, the key is organization! Well said!


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    I am a Graduate Student at Clarion University and a Kindergarten teacher at Keystone Elementary School in Knox, PA. This blog tracks what I'm learning in my 5-week summer graduate class ED 610: Mobile Education Technology.


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