Mobile camera apps...still looking for something I like. Tried Little Photo as well as some app that was meant to create collages. Little Photo is promising and I need to work with it more, but that other app was garbage. I tried four times to make it work, with four different pics, and four different collage options...and it shut down each time. Promptly deleted that app. Don't even remember what it was called. Sorry! About Little Photo, what I'm learning is that I need to put that as a widget on my phone's home screen instead of the regular camera. But the thing is, all those effects that can be chosen...not many appeal to me. I'd just as soon have regular coloring, clear pics, etc. The only thing I would maybe want to alter would be borders or something like that. In other words, I'm still playing with it.

Image hosting sites...I think Flickr is the one for me. I can get it on both my Android phone and iPad. Uploading is easy, and the site seems easy to navigate. The only problem I've encountered so far is that I could not upload pics from my phone without it crashing. Not good, since that is where I take most of my pics. But on the plus side, this site could save my family the continual hassle of deciding how to share pictures. We've tried facebook, but not everyone is on there or wants their pictures on it. My dad likes to transfer  pics from his new iPhone onto his desktop and then burn them to CD, which then just leaves me with a bunch of CDs. So I plan on playing around a bit more with Flickr to see how it works and then introduce it to the family.

Mobile presentation apps...I installed Doceri, Educreations, Nearpod, and Prezi on my iPad with plans to look closely at each of them. Those were the ones that stood out to me the most. I ended up using Doceri because it seemed the easiest to utilize. Educreations was a close second for this presentation, especially since I received personal email correspondence from people who created Educreations. Nearpod was awesome...and I can see using it in the school setting easily. I especially liked how you can use other people's presentations as well and that they are organized by age levels. Prezi didn't impress me too much, and I will most likely never use it. I am glad that I am now aware of and familiar with these mobile presentation apps. Thanks, ED 610!

Finally, using these devices in educational settings...because after all, that's the real reason we need to become better acquainted with everything, right? Well, once upon a time in my school, each grade level had a Grade Level Camera...a big ol' thing that was complicated to operate. If we wanted to take pics, we had to borrow it from whichever teacher had it, hoping that someone recharged the battery or had one on standby. Those lovely cameras faded out of use when we got our school-issued iPads that (drumroll, please) included a CAMERA! Then came the trouble of knowing what to do with those pics, how to email them to the proper people to get them on the school website, how to get them on our own computers so we could work with them (because how else can you work with digital pics??), etc. etc. And now, for me at least, I want to do MORE with these pictures. Last year, I didn't get any pictures up on my class website. Didn't think I could, using the free version of Weebly. Guess there is a way after all...still figuring that out, though. BUT what is churning around in my brain has to do with creating some sort of presentation using one of those four I listed above using pics of my new kindergarten students, narrated by them, and able to be running on my new smartboard on back-to-school night after a week or so of school. Phew! To me, that seems daunting since I've never done ANYTHING like that before!
Dr. McCullough
6/27/2013 12:56:50 am

I love to read that things are "churning around in your brain!" That's my job, to create "churning." I haven't yet graded the presentations from Week #2, but Im looking forward to the process.

I really enjoy your blog posts... haven't commented yet, but really enjoy them!

~ Dr. M.


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    I am a Graduate Student at Clarion University and a Kindergarten teacher at Keystone Elementary School in Knox, PA. This blog tracks what I'm learning in my 5-week summer graduate class ED 610: Mobile Education Technology.


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